View Profile SourPuddle

93 Audio Reviews

59 w/ Responses

Grey Rain tastes like good music.

I enjoyed this peice of music, although most of the time I was waiting for the tempo to speed. I was unsure what Doom Metal was, and I just assumed that the music would go from slow to a fast-paced motion of insanity. I was a little confused why you kept it so slow the whole time-- But other than that, I loved the Bass guitar in this song, the Drums stayed in line and the Guitar was great. It made me want to get a guitar and go along with it. It was a very good song, and I hope to see a lot more.

himenow responds:

Doom metal is slow and dreadful ;)
Thanks for the comment :D

Every rose has it's thorns.

I really liked this one-- It stuck with the desert feeling-- Or atleast the Muslim's people's guitar and basic music. I liked how the bass guitar stuck with the desert/muslim beat almost the whole time-- The electric guitar seemed like a treat itself, and forced me to love the song-- The bass guitar, drums, etc just kept me glued to this song, and when the guitar came screaming in, it was like a final touch.

Creation of a masterpeice. . .

It was a very enjoyable song, the starting soft and with a beat, and then after a voice erupts-- It's the same beat, rhythm and everything else with a violent and aggressive pretense. It is truly a creation-- An art of music and how warped and altered we can make it-- And there is no limit in that. The only limit to that is our imagination, and we all know how far that goes. I do wish you could make it more lengthly, and I know you can throw in some special touches to make it -really- shine. Good job.

Anthony Marrone @SourPuddle

Age 29, Male


Joined on 5/26/08

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